Selasa, 04 Desember 2012

Descriptive text


The communicative Purpose:

To Describe a particular person, place or thing

The generic structure:
Identification : Identifies phenomenon to be described

Description : Describe parts, qualities, characteristics

Goa Tabuhan Is a Lively Unique Cave
In the cave Nyi (Mrs.) Kamiyem and Ki (Mr.) Padmo sit on a big stone. Nyi Kamiyem will sing a song and Ki Padmo will beat the drum. Joining them are people called wiyogo which are drummer's and other gamelan  musicians.

What makes this unique is that they mix gamelan with the sounds of nature. The visitors dance, forgetting all problems.
        Many tourists go to this cave. Maybe you are interested in going there too. But you don’t know where it is. Gua Tabuhan is located near Pacitan in East Java. It is situated in a lime hill called Tapan, in Tabuhan, Wareng village. The route is easy. Along the road there is beautiful tropical scenery to enjoy rice-fields, coconut-palms and birds.

East of the cave peddlers sell souvenirs. The drink and food peddlers are on the north. People sell agates on the cave terraces. Somehow, it is like a fair.
        It is said that the cave is the only place where nature produces sounds like the music of gamelan. Nyi Kamiyem, the well-known pesinden (traditional Javanese singer) from the village of Gabuhan, who often sings in the cave, does not doubt it.

Gua Tabuhan did not use to welcome visitors. According to Kartowiryo (90), village elder, Gua Tabuhan used to be a hiding place for robbers. It was believed to be a sacred place. No one dared go inside. However, Wedana (chief of a district) Kertodiprojo, went to the cave to find out what was wrong. He found out that the cave was inhabited by the annoying evil spirits. The people chased the spirits away.

The cave is dark, so people need lights, and a local guide will lead the way. Sometimes visitors bump their head against the sharp rocks on the ceiling.
        Inside the cave there is a plain. Big stone which is believed to be the prayer mat of Pangeran Dipenogoro, one of the Indonesian heroes who fought against the Dutch. It is said that Pangeran Diponegoro used to seclude himself in the cave. Some people now use the place for meditation.

There is a stream in the cave, in the east corner, which can only be seen outside. However, it can be heard from inside.
        Besides the cave, Watukarang, a beach nearby, is good to visit. By the way, want different souvenirs? You can find them in Donorodjo village where agate craftsman work. So, have a nice journey.

Answer the questions!
1.What do you call people who join Mrs Kamiyem and Mr Padmo in the cave?
2.Where is Gua Tabuhan located?
3.What will you be able to see along the road to Gua Tabuhan?
4.Where can you find peddlers selling souvenirs?
5.What is Mrs Kamiyem?
6.How old is Mr Kartowiryo?
7.What did Kertodiprojo find out inside the cave?
8.What do people need to enter the cave?
9.What did Pangeran. Diponegoro use to do in the cave?
10.Can you see the stream inside the cave?

B. Match the column A to the B

       A                                 B
2.  lime
3.  scenery
4.  peddlers 
5.  agates 
6.  sacred
7.  dared
8.  chased
9.  bump
10.prayer mat

a. view
b. considered
c. to be brave
d. strike something with a hard blow
e. situated
f.  hollow place in the side of hill
g. a very hard stone
h. place on which Muslim kneel when praying
i.  goods seller from one place to place
j.  keep apart from others
k. a small narrow river
l.  run after something
m. a white substance

Selasa, 25 September 2012

Soal Hortatory, Analytical dll, UKK XI Aksel


HARI/TANGGAL                 :     SENIN/17 SEPTEMBER 2012
K E L A S                                :     XI (SEBELAS) AKSELERASI
WAKTU                                 :     07.00 – 08.30 WIB

Text Box: Petunjuk  :

1.	Berdo’alah sebelum mengerjakan soal
2.  	Tulislah terlebih dahulu kode Nomor Naskah / Tes, Nomor Urut Peserta, Nama dan Kelas pada kotak    digit di lembar jawaban yang tersedia serta hitamkanlah pada bulatan yang sesuai dengan kode yang ditulis pada kotak digit.
3.	Jawaban hanya ditulis pada lembar jawaban
4.	Tidak dibenarkan mencoret-coret atau menuliskan sesuatu pada lembar soal ini.
5.	Pilihlah dan hitamkanlah salah satu jawaban yang dianggap benar dengan mempergunakan pensil 2B.
6.	Tidak dibenarkan menjawab lebih dari satu jawaban
7.	Setelah selesai kumpulkan lembar soal beserta jawaban kepada pengawas
8.	Bacalah masing-masing petunjuk soal dengan seksama.

I.       Choose one the right answer!

The text for No.1 to 5
Do you know if you are too fat, you may have serious problems with your health? A group of doctors wrote a report about some of the effects of too much fat.
 One important effect is on the heart. If you are fat, your heart has to work harder. This may lead to other heart problem.
In addition, extra fat can also change the amount of sugar in your blood. This can cause serious disease such as diabetes.
Furthermore high blood pressure is another possible result of being fat.
More studies are needed about all these problems but one thing is clear, extra fat may make your life shorter 

1.      What is the best title for the text above?
A.    Being fat is serious problem
B.     Doctor’s report about the effects of too much fat
C.     Extra fat changes the amount of sugar in your blood
D.    Too much fat cause serious disease such as diabetes
E.     Studies about serious problem

2.      What is the communicative purpose of the text above?
A.    To persuade the reader or listener that something is the case
B.     To persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case
C.     To describe a particular disease
D.    To entertain and deal with actual and vicarious experience in different ways
E.     To retell an event for the purpose of informing or entertaining 

3.      The last paragraph of the text above is….
A.    Recommendation
B.     Reiteration
C.     Reorientation
D.    Orientation
E.     Argument

4.      In the text above, what tense is used by the writer?
A.    Simple past
B.     Simple present
C.     Simple future
D.    Simple past future
E.     Past perfect

5.      What is the effect on your blood if you are too fat?
A.    High blood pressure
B.     Heart attack
C.     Serious disease
D.    Make your life shorter
E.     Low blood pressure

The text for No. 6 to 10
Chronic Lateness Learning to leave It Behind
            Everyone is late sometimes. But do you know anyone who is always late? Do you think there is a reason why some people are chronically late? Read the article to find out.
            At the theatre, she disrupts the first act as she climbs over your knees toward her seat. When your doorbell rings on Saturday night, long after your other guests have begun eating, you know he has arrived for dinner. At work, you don’t expect her at your 9:00 A.M meeting.
            They are latecomers, and doesn’t matter if they wear a watch or use an alarm clock. Lateness is their way of life.
            Chronic lateness has spoiled friendship, and it’s a habit that has caused people to lose their jobs. Why, then, are so many people late?
            “Not arriving on time can be a form of avoidance,”says Dr. Richard Kravitz, a psychiatrist at Yale-new Haven Medical Center in Connecticut. “You are late for a party,  maybe, or coming home from work, because you don’t want to be where you’re supposed to be.”
            Other reasons for chronic lateness are more complex. Dr. Kravitz suggests that some latecomers may have masochistic tendencies. They know that their lateness will cause anger, and this serves their deep need to be punished. Alternatively, some latecomers may have a sadistic motive. For them, forcing some to wait is a way of expressing anger or resentment.
            Dr. Herbert Fensterheim, a psychologist at New York Cornell Medical Centre, agrees that lateness can be used as a weapon with which to strike out someone. However, he adds that for some people lateness is nothing more than a habit learned in childhood from a parent or an older brother or sister who also ran late. For others, lateness is a result of an inability to judge time. There are also those who are so easily distracted that they simply “lose track” of time, while others never learn to estimate or leave the time they need to keep on schedule.
            As for those of us who wait, we can set limits as to how long we will stay before leaving. When, appropriate, we can make our anger known. And though it is true that being prompt can be as compulsive as being late, Shakespeare advised this: “Better three hours too soon than a minute to late.”

6.      A Chronic latecomer is someone who…
A.    Always loses his or her job.
B.     Is sorry he or she is late.
C.     Is almost always late.
D.    Always spoil friendship.
E.     Likes to be late.

7.      A masochistic person is someone who…
A.    Likes to hurt people
B.     Wants to be punished
C.     Is angry
D.    Want to strike someone
E.     Is always late

8.      Lateness can cause some problems as follows, except…
A.    Lateness has spoiled friendship
B.     Lateness cause people to lose their jobs
C.     Lateness can be used as a weapon to strike someone.
D.    Lateness causes you to become masochistic
E.     Lateness may be a habit learned from parents, brother, etc

9.      They know that their lateness will caused anger…(paragraph 6)
The word in italic refers to …
A.    Psychologists
B.     Latecomers
C.     Dr. Kravitz
D.    Lateness
E.     Masochists

10.  The following is some factors believed to be causes of lateness, except …
A.    A habit learned in childhood
B.     Masochists tendencies
C.     Limit as to how long we will stay  before we leave
D.    Lateness is result of an inability to judge time
E.     Latecomers never learn to estimate the time they need to keep on schedule

The text for No. 11 to 15
Soon after Dave left college, one of his uncles, who was rich and no children of his own, died and left Dave a lot of money. So, he decided to set up his own real estate agency.
He found a nice office, bought some new furniture and moved in. he had only been there for a few hours when he heard someone coming towards the door of his office.
“It is my first customer!” he thought. He quickly pick up the telephone and pretended to be very busy answering an important call from someone in New York who wanted to buy a big and expensive house in the country.
The man was knocking at the door while this was going on, came in and waited politely for the agent to finish his conversation on the phone. Then he said to him, “I am from the telephone company, and I was here to connect your telephone.”

11.        What did Dave thinks when he heard someone was coming to his office?, he think that someone is …
A.    The man from telephone company
B.     his man in his office
C.     his first customer
D.    his first partner
E.     his first subscriber 

12.        Who actually came to Dave’s office?
A.    Someone from company
B.     Someone from connection company
C.     Someone from outside the telephone
D.    Someone from  New York
E.     Someone from telephone company

13.        Who are the characters in this story?
A.    Dave and friends
B.     Dave, his uncle, and someone from telephone company
C.     Dave and someone from telephone company
D.    Dave, his uncle, and someone who knocking the door
E.     Dave, children of his own, and someone from telephone company

14.        What is the communicative purpose of the text above?
A.    to entertain the readers by the story
B.     to inform the readers about Dave
C.     to describe how rich Dave was
D.    to persuade the readers to be rich
E.     to retell incident with humorous twist

15.        “…died and left Dave a lot of money.” (paragraph 1 line 2)
What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A.     Passed away
B.      got away
C.      far away
D.     go away
E.      gone away

The text for No. 16 to 21
            Water plays a very important role in our lives; in order to stay healthy we need to drink about two litres of water a day besides for drinking we use it for many other things too.
            Getting fresh water today seems to be more and more difficult as people for beginning to contaminate it by throwing away home wastes into it besides factories or industries discard their wastes into river or seas near their locations. Very often the factory and industry wastes contain poisonous stuff which endanger and even kill living creatures in them.
            People living in cities are getting more difficult problem as cities have constantly undergone its physical developments. More and more city land is used to build more rooms for people to work in. As a result and begin to throw them away into ditches or river near their homes. This has led to the existence of floods as the rainfall cannot sweep away those wastes in them. When this takes place, city people will face and more difficulties. They are really in a vicious circle.
16.        People pollute the fresh water by….
A.    putting away their home wastes
B.     throwing away home wastes into it
C.     building more rooms for people
D.    sweeping away the wastes
E.     killing living creatures in it

17.        What has caused the existence of floods?
A.    water is needed by people
B.     fresh water is difficult to find
C.     factory wastes contain poisonous stuff
D.    more city land is used to build more rooms
E.     people throw away their home wastes into the rivers

18.        The third paragraph tells us about….
A.    the importance of water
B.     the development of the cities
C.     the cause of the existence of floods
D.    the solution of the cities problem
E.     the difficulty of how to get water

19.        The main idea of the second paragraph is….
A.    the fresh water is contaminates by people
B.     it is difficult to get fresh water today
C.     the poisonous stuff danger living creatures
D.    people throw away the wastes into ditches or rivers
E.     the factory and industry wastes contain poison
20.        Which statement is not true according to the text….
A.    water is many benefits for people lives
B.     the wastes thrown away into ditches cause the floods
C.     city people have almost no space to put away the wastes
D.    people use water for drinking only
E.     city people are rarely in vicious circle

21.        Factories or industries discard their wastes into rivers or seas near their location (paragraph 2). The underline word has the some meaning as….
A.    spray
B.     poison
C.     pollute
D.    contaminate
E.     throw away

The text for No. 22 to 25
Can “AFI” guarantee someone to be a talented singer?
            “Menuju puncak” is a song that is so popular now. No one can deny that AFI (Akademi Fantasi Indonesia) has fascinated many fans around the nation. As one of the many talent search shows, AFI is bound to be compared with other such programs like “Indonesian Idol“, “Penghuni Terakhir”, “KDI”, “Indonesia Cantik’ and so on.
            AFI has offered a unique package for viewers; a combination between a reality show and talent show. Its way of finding real entertainers has increased the public’s awareness of the difficulties in reaching the top in the entertainment business.
             Frankly speaking, AFI has not fully succeeded in reaching its main goal. If you take an objective look at number of the winners, you’ll see that they are not yet able to fill the most basic requirements, which is sing properly. This is ironic, considering all criticisms coming from the judges about pitch tones, tempos, and everything that has to do with becoming a good singer.
            Thus, if we want to improve that Indonesian music industry, we should really think about the singer’s and the musician’s talents and train them appropriately, so they can be a professional singer or musician.

22.        What is the purpose of the text above?
A.    To persuade the reader or listener that something is the case
B.     To persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case
C.     To describe a particular program
D.    To entertain and deal with actual and vicarious experience in different ways
E.     To retell an event for the purpose of informing or entertaining 

23.        What is the meaning of musician?
A.    The person who skilled in playing music or the writer of music
B.     Art of arranging sound of voices and instrument
C.     Play or film with songs
D.    The person who can sing all songs
E.     The person who has good voice and skilled in singing

24.  What is the generic structure for the last paragraph?
A.    Thesis
B.     Orientation
C.     Description
D.    Reiteration
E.     Recommendation

25.  What TV did broadcast AFI (Akademi Fantasi Indonesia)?
A.    RCTI
B.     TVRI
E.     SCTV

The text for No. 26 to 29
JAKARTA: Seven people were killed in a collision between a bus, a car and a truck on Dipenogoro street at 10:35 p.m. last night. The dead were all the passengers of the car. The police believed the car had been trying to overtake the bus when it was struck by a truck coming from the opposite direction. The driver of the car might not be using his lights, as the truck driver said he did not see the car approaching. 
The police said the car should not have tried to pass the bus, since overtaking is not allowed on Dipenogoro Street. In addition, the police report that the car, a small Japanese car, should not have been carrying more than five people. If the passengers had brought their identity cards, the police would have identified the names of the victim easily.

26.  The text mainly reports that there was/were…
A.      A car accident.
B.      Careless driver.
C.      A small Japanese car.
D.      Victim of an accident.
E.       The function of an identity card. 

27.   What was the cause of the collision?
A.      The truck came from the opposite direction
B.      The car carried more than five people
C.      The truck driver didn’t use his lights
D.      The truck driver didn’t see the car
E.       The car tried to overtake the bus

28.  “If the passengers had brought their identity cards, the police would have been easy to identify the names of the victims.” (The last sentence)
The sentence above means…
A.      The victims’ names were not known
B.      The victims were easy to be identify
C.      The passengers brought their identity cars
D.      The police had no difficulty in identifying the victim the victims
E.       It was easy for the police to identify the victims of the accidents

29.  Who said that the accident was caused by the car?
A.      The police
B.      The victims
C.      The reporter
D.      The truck driver
E.       The passengers

The text for No. 30 to 33
In Australia there are three levels of government, the federal government, state government, local government. All of these governments are necessary. This is so far a number of reasons.
First, the federal government is necessary for the big things. They keep the economy in order and look after things like defence.
Similarly, the state governments look after the middle size things. For example they look after law and order, preventing things vandalism in schools.
Finally, local governments look after the small things. They look after things like collecting rubbish; otherwise everyone would have diseases.
Thus, for the reason above, we can conclude that the three levels of government are necessary  

30.  “They look after things like collecting rubbish,” the word they refer to……..
A.    federal governments
B.     state governments
C.     local governments
D.    three governments
E.     Australian governments

31.  “They look after things like collecting rubbish,” the synonym of the underlined word is…………..
A.    take care
B.     run after
C.     look at
D.    look for
E.     careless

32.  What is generic structure of the last paragraph?
A.    Thesis
B.     Argument
C.     conclusion
D.    Elaboration
E.     Reiteration

33.  What is the purpose of the text?
A.    To persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case
B.     To persuade the reader or listener that something is the case
C.      To describe a particular case
D.    To entertain and deal with actual and vicarious experience in different ways
E.     To retell an event for the purpose of informing or entertaining

The text for No. 34 to 37
The kangaroo is a common Marsupial from the island of Australia and New Guinea. Marsupials are animals with pouch. They carry their babies in a pouch in the mother’s abdomen.
            Kangaroos have two strong legs with two long feet. They have muscular long tail, large ears and a small head. They have short arms with clewed hands. The soft, woolly fur can be blue, grey, red, black, yellow or brown, depending on the species. Females have the pouch in which the young live and drink milk.
            These herbivores (plant-eaters) eat grass, leaves, and roots. They swallow their food without chewing it. Kangaroos need little water; they can go for months without drinking, they dig their own water wells.
            These shy animals live about 6 years in the wild and up to 20 in captivity. Most Kangaroos are nocturnal. Kangaroos can hop up to 74 kilometres per hour and go over 90 meters in one hop.  (Adapted from English on sky 3)

34.  What is the best title of the text above?
A.    A common Marsupial from the island of Australia.
B.     Kangaroos
C.     Kangaroos have two strong legs with two long feet.
D.    Kangaroos eat grass, leaves, and roots.
E.     The animal from Australia

35.  “Females have the pouch…” (2nd paragraph, line 3)
The underlined word means ….
A.    Small bag for carrying the baby.
B.     Part of  kangaroos’ body
C.     For drinking milk
D.    Kangaroos’ abdomen 
E.     The part that females have

36.  Based on the text kangaroos are …
A.    carnivores
B.     reptiles
C.     insects
D.    mammals
E.     amphibians

37.  “Most Kangaroos are nocturnal” (the last paragraph). Nocturnal means …
A.    Active at night
B.     Active in the Australia
C.     Active at afternoon
D.    Active at day
E.     Active in eating grass

The text for No. 38 to 40
Bees are insects. There are about 20,000 species or kinds of bees. They live everywhere in the world except non high mountains, in the Arctic and Antarctic, and on some small island in the ocean.
Some bees are as small as 0.08 inch. However, some bees are as big as 1.6 inches. Bees come in many colours; black, gray, yellow, red, green or blue. Most bees live alone. They are called solitary bees. Meanwhile, some bees live in group called colonies. They are social bees.
Bees have three pairs of legs and four wings. Like all insect they have a head, chest, and abdomen. They have mouthparts and tongue for collecting nectar in an organ called a honey stomach.
Moreover, bees have special wings that let them fly like helicopter. They can fly backward, forward, sideways, or stay in one place in the air.
In addition, bees have three regular eyes and two compound eyes. Their compound eyes have many lenses. Furthermore, bees can see colours and patterns. This help them find flowers.(adapted from Progress English book) 

38.  What does the word “nectar” means?
A.    Sweat liquid from flower
B.     Sweet liquid from tree
C.     The thing that must be collected by bees
D.    Row honey
E.     Parts of bees’ body

39.  What is the function of a honey stomach?
A.    For collecting nectar
B.     For saving nectar
C.     For omitting nectar
D.    For collecting honey
E.     For producing honey

40.  What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A.    The description of  bees’ parts bodies
B.     Bees have three pairs of legs and four wings
C.     Bees have a head, chest, and abdomen
D.    they fly like helicopter
E.     They can fly backward, forward, sideways