Senin, 28 Mei 2012



Nama Sekolah                       :    SMA Pasundan 1 Bandung
Mata Pelajaran                       :    Bahasa Inggris
Pertemuan                             :    1 x Pertemuan
Kelas/Semester                      :    XII/1
Alokasi Waktu                        :    2 x 45 menit

Standar Kompetensi            :    Membaca
                                                    Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan teks tulis esei berbentuk narrative, explanation dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

Kompetensi Dasar               :    Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: narrative, explanation, dan discussion.

Indikator Pembelajaran       :    1.  Kognitif
                                                    a.  Produk   :      1)  Membaca teks dan memilih kosa kata yang cocok untuk melengkapi teks rumpang.
                                                                              2) Mengidentifikasi makna gagasan dalam teks narrative
                                                                              3) Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi yang terdapat dalam teks berbentuk narrative.
                                                                              4) Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks berbentuk narrative
                                                    b.  Proses   :      Memahami langkah retorika dalam teks berbentuk narrative
                                                    2.  Psikomotor
                                                    Menggunakan unsur-unsur dan struktur teks naratif  dalam menceritakan sebuah cerita.    

                                                    3.  Afektif   
                                                    a.  Karakter                      :    1)    Keberanian
                                                                                                 2)    Tanggung jawab
                                                    b.  Keterampilan Sosial   :    Komunikasi
Metode Pembelajaran
Model pembelajaran: Cooperatif learning, Demonstrasi, Tanya Jawab

Langkah–Langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
a.   Menyiapkan siswa secara psikis dan fisik untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran.
b.   Mengajukan pertanyaan–pertanyaan yang mengaitkan pengetahuan sebelumnya dengan materi yang akan dipelajari
c.   Menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai.
*      Menyampaikan cakupan materi dan penjelasan uraian kegiatan sesuai dengan silabus.
*      Siswa menjawab pertanyaan guru mengenai apa yang telah mereka ketahui tentang teks narrative dan contoh–contoh teks yang termasuk ke dalam narrative teks.
a.    Elaborasi
*      Siswa memperhatikan tayangan gambar yang diperlihatkan oleh guru dan menebak cerita apa yang kira-kira cocok dengan tayangan gambar tersebut.
*      Siswa membaca contoh teks narrative yang diberikan oleh guru sambil melengkapi cerita tersebut dengan kosa kata yang telah disediakan.
*      Mengidentifikasi makna gagasan dalam teks narrative.
*      Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi yang terdapat dalam teks berbentuk narrative.
*      Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks berbentuk narrative
*      Siswa mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi yang terdapat dalam teks tersebut.
*      Siswa mengidentifikasi tujuan, generic structure dan ciri-ciri bahasa dari teks narrative.
b.    Konfirmasi
*      Siswa membuat kesimpulan dari semua hasil identifikasinya dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru.
d.     Siswa menggunakan unsur-unsur dan struktur teks narrative dalam menceritakan sebuah cerita yang ditugaskan oleh guru.
15 menit

25 menit


Materi Pembelajaran
A narrative is a type of spoken or writtwn text that tells a story of ne character or who
face certain situations. There are various kinds of narratives such as:
-fairy stories, romances, fables etc.
The generic structureof narrative ussually has four components.
*Generic Structure of Narrative
a. Orientation
    sets the scene and introduces and the participants (character) of the story, the time and the place the story happened (who, what, when and where)
A crisis arise. A series of events in which the main character attempts to solve the problem.
The crisis is resolved, for better or worse.
* Generic features
a. A narrative focuses on specific participants.
b. There are many action verbs, verbal and mental processes.
c. Direct and indirect speeches are often used
d. it usually uses Past Tense.
e. Linking words are used, related with time
f. Tere are sometimes some dialogue and the tense can change.
g. Temporal conjunctions are also used.

Instrumen Soal
A.        Read the following text and complete the missing words with word in the box.
Once upon a time ... (1) was a monkey called Ram. He lived on a big mango tree near the lake. The tree had the sweetest ... (2) growing on it. Near the tree lived a crocodile with his wife.
The ... (3), called Karo, and Ram become friends. Sometime Ram used to throw Karo some ... (4) mangoes for himself and his wife.
... (5) Karo’s wife told him, “The monkey eat such sweet fruit everyday, he must be having the ... (6) heart. Get his heart for me, dear husband!”. “I cannot, he is my ... (7),” replied Karo, “That means you do not ... (8) me,” cried the wife.
So sadly, Karo went to Ram the next day. “Ram, please come to my house, I want you to meet my wife.” “My friend, how can I come? I live on the ... (9) and you in the water,” answered Ram.
 “Don’t worry, my friend, just sit on my ... (10) and I shall carry you, “Karo cunningly offered him. The poor monkey sat jumped on his friend’s back  and off they went.
Ram, was having a lot of fun when he saw that Karo was very sad and quiet.              The monkey asked, “Why are You so ... (11), my friend?” Karo replied, “Because your life is short. My wife wants to eat your ... (12) and that is why we‘re going to her.”
Ram was shocked but could not ... (13). He came up with a plan in his mind and sad, ”Why did You not tell me before? I always ... (14) my heart in the tree when I go out.” “Oh, no!” Cried Karo, “Now, what can we do?” “Lets go ... (15) and take it,” said the clever monkey.
So the ... (16) Karo turned around and swam for the mango tree. As soon as Ram could rich a tree branch, he swung up into the tree to safety. He laughed down at the crocodile, “How can I be alive without my heart! Go! Tell your ... (17) wife how foolish You are!”
From that day, Karo didn’t only lose a friend but the ... (18) mangoes as well.

delicious              run                         there                    mangoes             heart                    greedy
sweet                   one day               friend                   love                       leave                    sweetest
land                       back                      quiet                     crocodile             foolish                  back            

B.        Question
Answer these questions based on the text!
  1. What is the text about?
a.       A big mango tree near the lake
b.      A crocodile with his wife
c.       Karo, the foolish monkey
d.      Crocodile heart
e.      The clever monkey and the foolish monkey
  1. How many characters are there in the story?
a.       1
b.      2
c.       3
d.      4
e.      5
  1. Where did the story take place
a.       In Karo’s house
b.      On the land
c.       In the water
d.      Near a big mango tree
e.      On a big mango tree near the lake

  1. What is the moral values implied in the story?
a.       Being honest is not always wise
b.      Being a miser is sometimes important
c.       All that glitters is not gold
d.      To love to means to share
e.      To be greedy is not good
  1. What is the purpose of the text?
a.       to amuse the readers with actual or imaginary experience in differen ways
b.      to persuade the readers that something is the case
c.       to show how to do something through a set of steps
d.      to inform the readers about event of the day which is considered newsworthy
e.      to describe the way thing are
  1. The generic structure of the text above is …
a.       Orientation – resolution – complication
b.      Resolution – orientation – complication
c.       Complication – resolution – Orientation
d.      Orientation – resolution – complication
e.      Orientation – complication – resolution
  1.  “Once upon a time there was a monkey called Ram. He lived on a big mango tree near the lake. The tree had the sweetest mangoes growing on it. Near the tree lived a crocodile with his wife.
This part of the text is called the …
a.       Introduction
b.      Orientation
c.       Resolution
d.      Complication
e.      identification
  1. The complication started when …
a.       Karo and Ram become a friend
b.      Ram laughed down at the crocodile
c.       Ram sat jumped on his friend’s back  and off they went.
d.      Ram  lived on a big mango tree near the lake
e.      Karo’s wife asked her husband to get Ram’s heart for her.
  1. The Tense is used in the text is …
a.       Simple present tense
b.      Simple past tense
c.       Present continuous tense
d.      Past continuous tense
e.      Future tense
  1. What solution did Ram for the problem?
a.       Ram eat such sweet fruit everyday.
b.      Ram sat jumped on his friend’s back.
c.       Ram met Karo’s wife.
d.      Ram used to throw Karo some mangoes for himself and his wife.
e.      Ram riched a tree branch, he swung up into the tree to safety

Tugas Terstruktur
Let us now play the story. First change the story above into dialogues. Then, in groups of four play the dialogue. One of you becomes the narrator, the other three take the roles of karo, Karo’s wife, and Ram. Some lines have been done for you.
Narrator                      :     Once upon a time, there was a monkey called Ram. He lived on a big        mango tree near the lake. The lake...............................................................
Karo’s wife                 :     .......................................................................................................................
Karo                              :     I cannot, he is my friend.
Karo’s wife                 :     .......................................................................................................................
Narrator                      :     So sadly, Karo went to Ram the next day.
Karo                              :     .......................................................................................................................
Ram                              :     .......................................................................................................................
Karo                              :     .......................................................................................................................
Narrator                      :     .......................................................................................................................
Ram                              :     Why are you so quiet my friend?
Karo                              :     .......................................................................................................................
Narrator                      :     .......................................................................................................................
Ram                              :     .......................................................................................................................
Karo                              :     .......................................................................................................................
Ram                              :     .......................................................................................................................
Narrator                      :     .......................................................................................................................
Ram                              :     .......................................................................................................................
Narrator                      :     .......................................................................................................................

Kunci jawaban dan Pedoman Penilaian

A.  Teks Rumpang:
1.There                         7. Friend                                13. Run 
2.Mangoes   8. Love                   14. Leave
3.Crocodile  9. Land                   15. back
4.Sweet                        10. Back                 16. Foolish
5.One day                    11. Quiet               17. Greedy
6.Sweetest   12. Heart               18. Delicious        

B. Pilihan Ganda:
1.E                     2.C                        3.E                           4.E                           5.A
6.E                     7.B                        8.E                           9.B                          10.E

Skor setiap jawaban benar bagian  A = 1, skor maksimal 20
Skor setiap jawaban benar bagian  B = 1, skor maksimal 10
Jumlah skor maksimal = 30

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