Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

RPP BAhasa Inggris Kelas X Semster 2 (7.2)

1.      Satuan Pendidikan                      : SMA ISLAM PB. SOEDIRMAN BEKASI  I
2.      Mata Pelajaran                           : BAHASA INGGRIS
3.      Kelas/Prog./Smt                           : X / UMUM / II

4.      Standar Kompetensi
Mendengarkan : Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

5.      Kompetensi Dasar
Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: menyatakan rasa terkejut, menyatakan rasa tak percaya, serta menerima undangan, tawaran, dan ajakan 
·         Indikator 1 : Mengidentifikasi tindak tutur terkejut
·         Indikator 2 : Mengidentifikasi tindak tutur menyatakan rasa tak percaya
·         Indikator 3 : Mengidentifikasi tindak tutur menyetujui undangan, tawaran, ajakan

6.      Alokasi Waktu     : 2 Jam Pelajaran X 40 menit (3 x Pertemuan)

7.      Materi Pembelajaran
Pertemuan 1 :
Mengungkapkan tindak tutur terkejut
·         Huh? What?
·         Oh, Wouw!
·         What a surpise!
·         Incredible!
·         That’s unbelieveable!
·         Amazing!
·         I’m really surprise/amazed at....
·         It was beyond believe!

Asking about surprise/amazement
·         Are you surprized/ amazed?
·         Does that surprise you?
·         Is this a surprising?
·         What’s so incredible?
·         Can you believe it?

Victor: Korea defeated spain last night.
Willy:  What? Korea won the footbal match?
Victor: Yes, It did. Isn’t it amazing?
Willy:  Wow! I was really beyond believe! Korea’s shown its quality as one of the Asian countries. It has been achieving a great improvement, not only in economical field but also others, including sports.
Victor: We have to admit that Kore is really good. We, Indonesian, must learn from the Korean. They’ve recovered from monetery crisis and proved themselves no longer underdog.
Willy:  You’re right. You know why?
Victor: I think it has good players. It must need high discipline, wualified players, good, coaches and sufficient  supporting facilities.
Pertemuan 2:
Mengungkapkan tindak tutur rasa tak percaya
·         You won’t believe this, but….                             - Really? I find that hard to believe.
·         Do you know what!                                              - A re you joking?
·         This is may surprise you, but…                             - I can’t see that.
·         I’ve got news for you!                                          - That’s what I thought to.
            Johnny: You may not believe that the earth is getting warming.
            Dessy: Really? I find that hard to believe.
Johnny: I can’t believe at first, but several days ago the news said that there was a global warming.
            Dessy: I can’t see that.

Pertemuan 3:
Menggungkapkan tindak tutur menyetujui undangan, tawaran, ajakan
·         Can I….?
·         Shall I…..?
·         Would you like me to….?
·         Let me….
·         Do you need….?
·         No, thanks
·         Thanks anyway but….
·         Thanks all the same but….
·         It’s kind of you to offer but….
Invitation often begin
·         Would you like to…..
Possible formal replies:
·         What about …./Why don’t you…?
·         Come and …..
·         Like to….?
·         Would you like to….?
·         ….please do….
·         I’d very much like you to….
·         You will….won’t you?
·         Shall we…/won’t you ….?
·         We should be very pleased if you could….
·         We should be delighted if you were able to ….
·         Thank you very much. That would be very nice
·         Sorry. I am afraid I’m not free.
Typical replies are:
·         You‘re on. (Thank you)
·         All right. Great! Lovely!
·         I won’t say no.
·         You certainly can.
·         You bet!
·         (Thank you) I’d love to….
·         That would be very nice.
·         That sounds a (very) nice idea.
·         We’d very much like to….
·         That’s really kind of you
·         Yes, please.
·         I’d love some.
·         I’d love to.
Tony: I heard that you were the member of the Body Building Club.
Wily: I’ve been the member for almost two months. It’s really fun and challenging.
Tony: You must’ve paid a lot.
Wily: Yes, but compared with what I’ve got so far is quite reasonable. We’re trained by professional instructors, the dictations are available, any time we want to consult, and we can do it. Aren’t you interested?
Tony: Mmmm….I wish I could. But I have no time.
Wily: It would be really nice if you could but don’t worry if you don’t have time, you can do it at home. Buy the barbles, and do it yourself while being guided by the video. 

8.      Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan 1: Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi tindak tutur terkejut

      Pertemuan 2: Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi tindak tutur rasa tak percaya

Pertemuan 3:Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur menyetujui undangan, tawaran, ajakan.

9.      Metode  Pembelajaran
Pertemuan 1 : Listening, Tanya jawab, latihan
Pertemuan 2 : Listening, Tanya jawab, latihan
Pertemuan 3 : Listening, Tanya jawab, latihan

10.  Kegiatan Pembelajaran  
Pertemuan 1 :
§  Guru mengucapkan salam dan memberi motivasi kepada peserta didik betapa pentingnya bahasa Inggris pada saat ini dan meminta peserta didik mengikuti pelajaran dengan tekun.
§  Guru mengabsen murid.
§  Guru menjelaskan tindak tutur ungkapan terkejut.
§  Guru menjelaskan standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar serta indikator yang akan dipelajari.

Kegiatan Inti
§  Siswa menyimak ungkapan-ungkapan (tindak tutur terkejut) dari teks yang  dibacakan oleh guru
§  Siswa mendengarkan percakapan interpersonal/ transaksional secara klasikal
§  Siswa mendiskusikan tindak tutur yang digunakan dalam percakapan yang didengar secara berpasangan.
§  Mendiskusikan respon yang diberikan terhadap tindak tutur yang didengar

Kegiatan Akhir
§  Siswa menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran dengan bimbingan guru
§  Guru memberikan tugas rumah kepada siswa (tindak lanjut)

Pertemuan 2 :
§  Guru mengucapkan salam.
§  Guru mengabsen murid.
§  Guru menjelaskan ekspresi rasa tak percaya.
§  Guru menjelaskan standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar serta indikator yang akan dipelajari.
§  Guru mengulang materi pelajaran yang lalu tentang tindak tutur terkejut 
Kegiatan Inti
§  Siswa menyimak ungkapan-ungkapan (tindak tutur rasa tak percaya)       dari teks yang  dibacakan oleh guru
§  Siswa mendengarkan percakapan interpersonal/ transaksional secara klasikal
§  Siswa mendiskusikan tindak tutur yang digunakan dalam percakapan yang didengar secara berpasangan.
§  Mendiskusikan respon yang diberikan terhadap tindak tutur yang didengar
Kegiatan Akhir
§  Siswa menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran dengan bimbingan guru
§  Guru memberikan tugas rumah kepada siswa (tindak lanjut)

11.  Penilaian
a.    Indikator, teknik dan bentuk penilaian
Pertemuan 1
Mengidentifikasi makna ungkapan  terkejut
Pertemuan 2
Mengidentifikasi makna ungkapan rasa tak percaya
Pertemuan 3
o  Mengidentifikasi makna ungkapan menyetujui undangan, tawaran, ajakan

·     Merespon bentuk dan jenis tindak tutr kata

·   Dialog in pairs, topik ditentukan oleh guru

b.   Instrument penilaian
·         Listen the dialogue and identify the text
Sarah    : Did you remember our schoolmate John, in Junior high school, Dave?
Dave     : Yes, I did
Sarah    : He is the leader in a big company now?
Dave          : What a surpise! Really? I find that hard to believe.

Sarah    : Yes, I met him yesterday in the mal and he offers me a job in his company. I was so happy so I accepted his offer, so now I offer you, Would you like to join with me in his company,  we can be a good team.
Dave           : Thank you very much. That would be very nice but sorry. I am afraid I can’t because I have been working now. I love my job and I get very good salary.
Dave     :  Ok! That’s your choice, I have given you a chance, may be some day you will change your mind. You can call me anytime.
Sarah    : Thank, I’ll remember that
Dave     : Don’t worry, I promise.
c.    Score penilaian
·         Jika mengidenifkasi benar, repon benar, mengungkapkan benar                    score 100
·         Jika mengidentifikasi benar, respon benar tetapi mengungkapkan salah        score 90
·         Jika mengidentifikasi benar tetapi respon dan mengungkapkan salah            score 80
·         Jika mengidentifikasi salah tetapi merespon dan mengungkapkan benar       score 70
·         Jika mengidentifikasi, merespon dan mengungkapkan salah                          score 60
12.  Sumber, Alat, Bahan, Media
1.Modul bahasa Inggris, expressions by Andrian
2.Kaset Link to the world
3.Buku pegangan guru kelas X, Platinum hal 277
4.Link to the world kelas X Hal 134, 50, 122.

13.    Evaluasi
1.      Post test
2.      Ulangan Harian 1

Mengetahui,                                                                                Bekasi, 25 Januari 2012
Kepala Sekolah                                                                           Guru Mata Pelajaran

Ir. H. Kusnaedi, MM                                                                   Andrian S.Pd
      NRP.                                                                                            NRP. 040817

Complete the dialogue expressing or asking surprise
1.      Vina               : I’m at the news.
Ken                 : ….
2.      Fred                 : …
Sam                 : Yes, I could believe what I saw.
3.      Bony               : ….
Jack                 : ….
4.      Juan                 : The baby survived although having buried for three days.
Sandra             : …
5.      Rita                 : What’s surprised you?
Engy                : ….
6.      Rio                  : ….
Brian               : He could walk on the broken glass.
7.      Mathilda          : …
Bella                : …
8.      Thom               : I didn’t know I was going to win a prize.
Eddie              : ….
9.      Helen               : …
Adam              : Are you surprised?
10.  Tim                  : …
Harry               : ….
Victor: Korea defeated spain last night.
Willy:  What? Korea won the footbal match?
Victor: Yes, It did. Isn’t it amazing?
Willy:  Wow! I was really beyond believe! Korea’s shown its quality as one of the Asian countries. It has been achieving a great improvement, not only in economical field but also others, including sports.
Victor: We have to admit that Kore is really good. We, Indonesian, must learn from the Korean. They’ve recovered from monetery crisis and proved themselves no longer underdog.
Willy:  You’re right. You know why?
Victor: I think it has good players. It must need high discipline, wualified players, good, coaches and sufficient  supporting facilities.

Answer the questions briefly:
1.      What do the speakers talk about?
2.      How is Korea according to the speakers?
3.      What improvement has it made?
4.      What do you know about Korea?
5.      In your opinion what factors that made Korea recover from the crisis fast?
6.      What is Korea’s human resources?
7.      How is its government?
8.      How can Indonesia be like Korea?
9.      What is the main factor that made Korea succeed?
10.  What other Asian countries which have good football team?
Observe the dialogue carefully, and then find the expressions of disbelief.
Harry   : Hi, Tony. What’s all this about, Tony?
Tony    : We’ve got many rubbish in the beach, so we are cleaning up the beach now, we are picking up the rubbish.
Harry   : I can’t believe that. Where are the rubbish come from?
Tony  : You may not believe it, but there are many people throw rubbish into the beach. Generally, people who are walking around and look at the beach ignore the notice “No Dumping of Rubbish”.
Harry   : How about the governments?
Tony    : I’m so disappointed about that. They don’t concern about it. Therefore, we are trying to help save the environment by ourselves. We are Eco-Friends.
Harry   : What’s that?
Tony   : its club teenagers who are trying to help save the environment. One of the tasks is cleaning the beach. Do you want to join me this weekend?
Harry   : Oh, all right, it should be fun.
Answer the questions based on the dialogue above.
1.      Where does the dialogue take place?
2.      What are Tony and friends doing in the beach?
3.      What makes Harry doesn’t believe?
4.      Who are throwing rubbish into the beach?
5.      What does the notice “No Dumping of Rubbish” mean?
6.      Does the government concern about it?
7.      How does Tony feel about it?
8.      What is Eco-Friends do?
9.      What does the Eco-Friends do?
10.  Does Harry want to join the club?
Tony: I heard that you were the member of the Body Building Club.
Wily: I’ve been the member for almost two months. It’s really fun and challenging.
Tony: You must’ve paid a lot.
Wily: Yes, but compared with what I’ve got so far is quite reasonable. We’re trained by professional instructors, the dictations are available, any time we want to consult, and we can do it. Aren’t you interested?
Tony: Mmmm….I wish I could. But I have no time.
Wily: It would be really nice if you could but don’t worry if you don’t have time, you can do it at home. Buy the barbles, and do it yourself while being guided by the video. 

Answer the following questions
1.      Who was the member of the Body Building Club?
2.      How long has he been the member the member?
3.      Must have it pay a lot?
4.      Is Toby interested in joining the club? How do you know?
5.      What should Tony do, if he wants to do sport at home?
Complete the dialogue short dialogue orally.
1.      A: I don’t know how to swim. I want to learn it but I …
B: It would be really nice if you could, but don’t worry if you don’t have time. You can…
2.      A: The teacher asked us to have push up thirty times.
B: Mmmmm…..
3.      A: The guys are out of mind.
     They forced me…but…
B: How dare you were.
4.      A: You’re good during the game.
B: Yes, but…
5.      A: ….
B: Ya,…..

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