Senin, 28 Mei 2012

Modul Conversation Kelas XI Akselerasi

Modul Conversation Kelas XI Akselerasi

Bidang study              : English Conversation
Kelas                           : XI Akselerasi
Semester                      : 1
Tahun Pelajaran           : 2008-2009

Standar kompetensi    : Berkomunikasi lisan dan tertulis menggunakan ragam bahasa      yang sesuai dengan lancar dan akurat

Kompetensi Dasar       : Mengungkapkan makna dengan penekanan

Indikator :       Memberi sesuatu pada seseorang.
                        Mengungkapkan keterkejutan            
                                    Menawarkan dan menerima tawaran
                                    Berterima kasih
                        Menerima dan menolak undangan
                                    Ijin dan kepuasan

Unit 1
Expression of giving something to someone

    1. Study the expressions in the following dialogue.
Andy : Id like to hive you this on behalf of all our friends.
Bufy : Thank you very much.
    1. Practice the following expression with your partner using your own words.
·         Can I give you this?     (informal)
·         Here are your books.    (Informal)
·         Allow me to present you with…    (formal)
·         I have great pleasure in presenting you with this small book.  (formal)
·         Want…..?  (these are said while handling whatever it is required to the other person)
·         Need…..?  (these are said while handling whatever it is required to the other person)
  1. Expressions of surprise
    1. Informal situation
Dania : Rado got 10 in the last English exam.
Beno  : Crazy! He always cheats in every exam. I just can’t believe it.
In informal situation, (i.e. between you and your friend) you can express your surprise by saying:
·         What?                                           
·         You’re kidding!
·         No, I don’t believe it!
·         Are you serious?
·         Fantastic, crazy!
·         You must be joking!
·         Oh, no!
    1. Formal situation.
Mr. Handoko : Rendy, congratulation! Now, you’re a part of our football team.
Rendy : Wow, I must say it surprise me, sir. Thank you very much.
In formal situation, you must say your surprise in more appropriate sentences. (i.e. between you and your teacher)
·         I find it astonishing/extraordinary/incredible etc…
·         I find that very surprising.
·         How very surprising!
·         I must say…surprises.
Besides that two formal-informal situation, there are some expressions of surprise that can you use. It depends on what place, or who the people you speak with.

Situation : You are talking to a fellow guest in the lounge of your hotel about a famous pop singer, Krisdayanti.

Fellow guest : Did you know that Krisdayanti  is staying here?
You              : Here? Krisdayanti? Is she?
Instead that, you can also saying:
·         Really?
·         What a surprise!
·         That a surprise!
·         Good heavens!
·         Good lord!
·         My goodness!
·         (Oh,) that amazing/extraordinary, etc

Cultural Notes:
1.      Informal expressions are used when you are among friends.
2.      Formal expressions are used when you are talking in formal situations like in receptions or meetings. Formal expression are common, for example, between employers and employees or teachers and students.

Unit 2
Offer and accept an offer

1.      Formal                                                                 
Offering something                                                     accepting an offer
·         Can I offer you …?                                              - That’d be delightful
·         Won’t you have…?                                               - Thank you so much
·         What would you say to …?                                  - That would be very nice
·         Allow me to give/pass….                                      - That would be a great help
·         Could I / I wonder if I might give /pass/offer…  - With pleasure
·         Would you care for…                                           - With the greatest of pleasure
- I can’t think of nothing nicer/better

2.      Informal
·         Grab your self ….                                                 - Oh, please
·         What’s yours? (usually for drinks)                        - Lovely/great /smashing
·         Like one?                                                              - I’d love….!
·         Chips? / a cup of tea? / fish burger?                      - I bet!            
·         Here, have ...                                                         - Yes thanks
- Sure, thanks.

Cultural Notes:
  1. Informal expressions are used in situation where you are talking between friend or close friend. The expressions usually respond to something that you discuss in a formal situation.
  2. Formal expressions are used in a situation when you are talking in a formal situation, such as in the office or school between the teachers and the students.


Some situations are giving below. Your job is to answer with the appropriate expression, either formal or informal. Then, state it orally.

  1. You are traveling to Jakarta on a full train. A nice, good looking man offers you a seat and say: Please sit down.
What do you say?
  1. At a dinner in one of the finest restaurants in your town, a waiter asks you: Would you care for some drinks?
What do you say?
  1. At a prompt night, you see your teacher is holding an empty plate, she/he looks rather hungry. There are a lot of medium cheese sandwiches on the table.
What do you say?
  1. You are coming to the party with your friend. Both of you want a drink. There are three kinds of drinks on the table; you offer to take a drink of your friend.
What do you say?

Unit 3

  1. Mr.Yanto  : What a charming dress, Mrs. Ayu.
Mrs. Ayu  : Thank you Mr. Yanto.
  1. Mrs. Kasih  :  You really have surpassed yourself with this roast chicken. Mr. Seto.
Mr. Seto  : Oh thank you very much, Mrs. Kasih. This roast chicken is my grandma’s recipe.
  1. Coco  : You’re looking good with that blue stripes skirt, Serena.
Serena : Thanks a lot.
·         If I may say to, (this cocktail) are excellent.
·         I must congratulation you on …..
·         My complement on ….
·         May I say how elegant/enchanting/etc you look? ( use to complement woman’s clothes/appearance)
·         That’s a (very) nice/smart coat (you’re wearing).
·         What (a) nice/smart
·         You’re looking (extremely/very) smart/glamorous, etc.
·         Congratulation on …it’s/that very good/excellent, etc.

Very informal
·         I like…
·         I love/adore …
·         Wow!
·         You look great/terrific…
·         You’re looking good!
·         With your friend, practice the expressions of complementing for example
You              :  You’re looking good with your shoes.
Your friend  :  Oh. Thanks a million.


Study the following situation. Then, give your compliment based on the situation.

  1. You compliment your neighbor on their appearance.
  2. An important business partner and his wife have invited you to a dinner with rather grand meal.
  3. You compliment your teacher’s new hair style.
  4. You compliment your mother’s cook.
  5. You compliment your friend’s new car.

Unit 4
Accepting and declining someone’s invitation

·         Inviting Someone.
When you want to invite someone, you can use one of these expressions:
a.       You like to…..?  (neutral)
b.       Won’t you….?  (neutral)
c.       What about…….?  (informal)
d.      Why don’t you…..?  (informal)
e.       Like to…..?   (informal)
f.       We should be very pleased if you could …….?  (formal)
·         Accepting Someone invitation
To accept an invitation, we can say:
  1. Thank you. I’d like to.  (neutral)
  2. That would be very nice.  (neutral)
  3. That sounds a nice idea.  (neutral)
  4. Great!  (informal)
  5. I won’t say no!  (informal)
  6. All right   (informal)
  7. We’d be delighted to.  (formal)
  8. That’s very kind of you.  (formal)
·         Declining Someone invitation
To decline or refuse an invitation we can use one of the following expressions:
  1. Thank you, but…    (in neutral situation)
  2. That’s very kind of you but….   (in neutral situation)
  3. I’m sorry but I can’t….    (in neutral situation)
  4. I’d like to but…..      (in neutral situation)
  5. I wish I could, but…..   (in neutral situation)

Example : Your friend invites you to a dinner. You can not accept.

Your friend     : What about going out with me for a dinner?
You                 : Thank you I have to stay here.
                          I am sorry, but I can’t. Thank you.
                          I wish I could, but I have to stay here. Thank you.
a. I’d love to, but I’ve got a test. (In informal situation)
b. Oh, what a shame! But I’ve got a test on that day.   (In informal situation)
c. Sorry I can’t. I’ve got a test on that day. But thanks. (In informal situation)

Unit 5
Permission and satisfaction

Giving Permission

1.      I think you can approve that.
2.      Alright. You can do it.
3.      Never mind. Good lick.
4.      Well. This is your turn.
5.      I allow you to …
6.      Certainly.
7.      Yes please.
8.      Yes, sure.

Refusing permission

1.      I’m sorry. I’m still…
2.      I regret to announce that.
3.      I have no idea who told you that.
4.      I’ll have to think about that.
5.      I’d rather you don’t.
6.      I’m afraid you can’t
7.      Don’t do that. It’s dangerous.

Expressing satisfaction

1.      I’m satisfied with …
2.      I’m satisfied at…
3.      I appreciate your opinion.
4.      I’m glad to what you’ve done.
5.      I feel relieved.
6.      It’s really satisfying.

Expressing Dissatisfaction
1.      I’m not satisfied with….
2.      I’m not satisfied at ….
3.      I don’t feel relieved.
4.      I’m dissatisfied with ….
5.      I’m dissatisfied at ….
6.      I’m dissatisfying.

Exercise :

With your partner make a short dialogue based on the situations given. Then act the dialogue in front of the class.
  1. After reading the proposal, the headmaster allowed you to go camping.
  2. Father has an objection if her daughter gets out alone at night.
  3. Your parents tell you happily after reading your report book.
  4. The volleyball team protested the umpire after they were harmed by his decision. 


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