Senin, 28 Mei 2012



An X-ray is a spectrum of light. It is radiated through one’s body, it can be used for detecting his/her internal body organs. The X-ray was invented by a German Scientist, Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen. Despite the fact that X-rays can detect cancer, cysts and tumors, there are many conflicting opinions about the use of X-rays in the hospital.
Some people agree that an X-ray examination is beneficial. They argue that doctors should use an X-ray in examining a severe illness. If doctors do not use the X-ray, they could miss some important information, which is very useful in making a dignosis on a patient’s disease. This will sometimes cause a doctor to be inaccurate in prescribing medicine to cure an illness.
Other people however disagree with the use of an X-ray examination. They think that using an X-ray examination will cost them a lot of money. That is really true. Another reason is that the radiation of an X-ray has some risks to body tissues
As a result of this controversy, many people use traditional health cure to avoid the high cost of hospitals still insist on having X-ray examinations on patients to get an accurate diagnosis although the cost is very high

1.       The text is mainly discusses about….
A.       The controversy of using an X-ray examination
B.       The use of traditional health cure to avoid the high cost of hospital care
C.       Some opinions to avoid the use of an X-ray
D.      Reasons why people agree to use an X-Ray
E.       Illness cured by an X-Ray examination

2.       Which statement is true?
A.       An X-Ray is a spectrum of light which is radiated through our body and used foer detecting our external body organs
B.       When we are illness, we can use an X-Ray to find out if there is something wrong with our external parts of the body
C.       All people agree with the use of an X-Ray examination to detect internal body organs
D.      All patients agree that the use of an X-Ray examination to detect a severe illness is not beneficial
E.       Some patients disagree to use an X-Ray examination because it will cost them a lot of money and the radiation of an X-Ray has some risks to body tissues

3.       Text above is the form of a/an….
A.       Descriptive
B.       Report
C.       Hortatory exposition
D.      Analytical exposition
E.       Discussion

4.       The argument ‘against’ point can be found in paragraph…
A.       One
B.       Two
C.       Three
D.      Four
E.       Five

5.       The communicative purpose of the text is…
A.       To present information and opinions about more than one side of an issue
B.       To criticize the current issues
C.       To describe an important issue
D.      To share an account of unusual or amusing incidents
E.       To explain why something occurs

112 Die in France from July Heat Wave

                A heat wave that struck Europe last month killed 112 people in France, on Thursday, many of them were elderly. Of the people whose deaths were attributed to the sweltering temperatures in France, 66 of them were age 75 or up. French officials said, “this year people must be more careful to avoid a repeat of summer of 2003, when 15,000 people, most of them elderly, died of heat related causes.

6.       Who suffered a lot from heat wave?
A.       Young people
B.       Old people
C.       Children
D.      Women
E.       Teenagers

7.       Why were the French officials said that people must be more careful about this year heat wave?
A.       Because the present condition is better
B.       Because the present condition is worse than that in 2003
C.       Because in 2003 more people had died
D.      Because they didn’t want more people die
E.       Because they were responsible for the citizen’s safety

8.       “Of the people whose deaths were attributed to the sweltering temperature”.
The underline word has almost the same meaning as the word …
A.       Due to
B.       Comply with
C.       Associate with
D.      In response to
E.       For the sake of

9.       What is the newsworthy event of the text?
A.       French officials said, “this year, people must be more careful to avoid repeat of the summer of 2003
B.       A heat wave that struck Europe last month killed 112 people in France on Thursday, many of them were elderly
C.       Of the people  whose deaths were attributed to the sweltering temperatures in France, 66 of them were age 75 or up
D.      Many of them were elderly
E.       When 15,000 people, most of them elderly, died of heat related causes 

     In my opinion teachers should not smoke at school. There are several reasons why I strongly disagree if teachers do smoking at school.
     Firstly, no smoking regulation applied to students will not be effective at all when teachers as a model do not give a bad example for their students, especially in behavior.
Secondly, smoking makes classroom and school environment dirty. Most teachers who smoke carelessly usually throw away the cigarette ashes and ends everywhere. They scatter on the table on the floor and the school yard.
     Thirdly, passive smokers become the victim of active smokers. Smoke coming out from cigarettes can dangerously affect the people around. Teachers should bear in mind that their students inhale poisonous smoke while enjoy the taste of their cigarettes.
    Lastly, smoking makes nasty smell. For smokers, cigarettes they love have nice smell. In fact cigarette ends make bad smell. Fellow teachers always complain the smell of the cigarette ends left by their colleagues who smoke. In classroom students have to fan cigarette smoke to get rid of the annoying smell.
     Considering the moral, healthy and environment reasons, I believe that teachers must not always smoke at school.

10.    What is the purpose of the text?
A.       To describe the teacher’s habit
B.       To tell readers on the importance of smoking
C.       To illustrate the teachers who are smoking at school
D.      To persuade the teachers not to smoke anymore
E.       To explain readers why smoking is not good for teachers to do at school

11.    What is the main idea of paragraph three?
A.       The active smokers become the victims
B.       The people who do not smoke become the victims of smokers
C.       Teachers can be dangerously when they become active smokers
D.      Teachers should not smoke at school
E.       Teachers become the active smokers

12.    What is the writer’s opinion on smoker teachers?
A.       He considers that they obey the school rules
B.       He thinks smoking in school real is fine
C.       He feels smoking is not good
D.      He strongly disagrees
E.       He strongly agrees

13.    “….passive smokers become the victims of active smokers” What does the underlined word means….
A.       Donor
B.       Destroy
C.       Breaker
D.      Sufferer
E.       patient

14.    Text above is the form of a/an….
A.       Descriptive
B.       Report
C.       Hortatory exposition
D.      Analytical exposition
E.      Discussion

15.    Where do teachers usually throw the cigarette ashes and ends away?
A.       On the chair
B.       On the self
C.       In their pocket
D.      In theirs wallet
E.       On the floor

Spiders are predatory invertebrate animals. They are not classified in the class of insecta. A spider has eight legs while an insect never has more than six legs.
Spiders have a body with two main divisions,  four legs and two other pairs of walking legs and two other pairs of abdominal spinnerets for spinning threads of silk. This silk can be used to aid in climbing, build egg sacs and catch prey
Spiders kill so many insects, but they never do the least harm to man’s belonging. Spiders are busy for at least half of the year killing insects. It is impossible to find out how many insects they kill, since they are hungry creature which cannot be content with only three meals a day

16.    The purpose of the text above is to…
A.       Explain about spiders
B.       Tell a particular spiders in chronological order
C.       Describe an insect
D.      Persuade people about spiders
E.       Retell about spiders
17.    Why can’t spider be classified in the class of Insect?
A.       Because spiders have more than six legs
B.       Because spider’s bodies have two main divisions
C.       Because they have walking legs
D.      Because spiders kill many insects
E.       Because spiders are hungry creatures
18.    Which sentences describes the behaviour of spider?
A.       A spider has eight legs
B.       A spider has a body with two main division
C.       A spider has four pairs of walking legs and two pairs of abdominal spinnerets
D.      A spider kills so many insects
E.       A spider is a hungry creature

19.    The following sentences are true about spiders, except …
A.       They belong to insect
B.       They have eight legs
C.       They eat many insects
D.      They are not dangerous for people
E.       They eat more than three meals a day

20.    “They never do the last harm to man’s belonging”
                The underlined word has almost the same meaning as the word …
A.       Useless
B.       Damage
C.       Bothering
D.      Intervention
E.       Relation

Taj Mahal is one of seven wonder of the world. It impressed many people because it is the symbol of love from a  husband to his wife
Taj Mahal stands in the city of Agra, in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, on the banks of Yamuna River. It was built in the memory of the beautiful Mumtaz Mahal, who won the heart of a Mughal prince, Shah Jahar. Mumtaz Mahal died during the birth of their child, Gauhara Begum. The construction of  Taj Mahal was begun soon after Mumtaz’s death.
The focus of Taj Mahal is the white marble tomb. Four minarets frame the tomb.  Meanwhile, the main chamber houses the cenotaphs of Muntaz Mahal and her husband, with graves located on lower level.

21.    What is the purpose of the text above?
A.       To entertain people about Taj Mahal
B.       To persuade people about the beauty of Taj Mahal
C.       To describe Taj Mahal
D.      To inform the readers about Taj Mahal
E.       To retell the story behind the building of Taj Mahal

22.    Why does Taj Mahal become so famous
A.       Because Taj Mahal is one of seven wonders in the world
B.       Because Taj Mahal is the symbol of love from a husband to his wife
C.       Because Taj Mahal stands in the city of Agra
D.      Because Taj Mahal was biukt in the memory of the beautiful Mumtaz Mahal
E.       Because Taj Mahal is the place to show a man’s love

23.    Which statement is not true based on the text?
A.       Taj Mahal is only found in India
B.       Many people in the world are impressed by Taj Mahal
C.       Taj Mahal is located in the city of Agra
D.      Gauraha Begum was the wife of Shah Jahan
E.       There are four minarets in Taj Mahal

24.    The focus of Taj Mahal is the white marble tomb
The underlined word has the same meaning as ….
A.       Grave
B.       Chamber
C.       House
D.      Marble
E.       Symbol

Recently most people own mobile phone. Why does mobile phone user increase dramatically in recent years? First, the feature and function has increased. Mobile phone is not used just for calling, but sending text, taking pictures, recording videos, accessing internet, playing games and  much more. Second, mobile phone has also become a lot cheaper. Now this communication device does not only fill the pocket of adult but also teenager and student. Even a lot phones are intentionally designed to teenaged market. However should they be allowed to bring them to school.
Many schools do not allow students to bring cell phones to school. It is very reasonable because bringing phones to school potentially disturb the learning process. Most students use cell phones irresponsibly. They use cell phones to talk to their friend during class time. They also use the calculator and camera features in the class as well. Those potentially lead less concentration in the time of learning and teaching process.
Students go to school to learn and behave fair way. Mobile phones provide a large temptation to cheat in test. They can communicate to anyone and almost anywhere in the world. Because pf the small size of the cell phone, student can send a text quietly and discreetly. The text can go unnoticed anywhere to get help on answering test, homework, and other class assignment. Learning in school is to behave fair not cheating.
Therefore, schools should ban students from bringing their cell phones. However, it should be done fairly. In ease of an emergency some students need a call for help, providing easy access to phone is better.

25.    The text above is written in the form of a/an ….
A.                                         Explanation
B.                                         Analitycal
C.                                         Hortatory
D.                                        Descriptive
E.                                         Report

26.    The following are reasons that many schools do not allow the students bring cell phone  o school, except…..
A.    Most students use cell phones responsibly
B.    Mobile phone provide a large temptation to cheat in test
C.     Bringing phones to school potentially disturb the learning process
D.    The students use cell phones to talk to their friend during  class time
E.    The students use the calculator and camera features in the class as well

27.    According to the text, why do mobile phones provides a large temptation to cheat in test?
A.    We can get help quickly
B.    Mobile phones are very convenient tool
C.     Mobile phones can use to connect the Net
D.    Mobile phones are really useful in  emergency
E.    The text can go unnoticed anywhere to get help on answering test

28.    The communicative purposes of the text is …
A.        To describe what the cell phone is
B.        To entertain the reader about the mobile phones
C.         To tell the reader about the effect of using mobile phone
D.        To persuade the reader not to bring cell
E.        To inform the readers the advantages and disadvantages of cell phone

Have you ever got confused of how to wrap a doll or some boxless andies or chocolate? To make the gift-wrap paper, you’ll need some old newspapers, some crepe paper, bleach, cooli mold and creativity. The steps are very simple. First, spread some old newspaper on the table. Put a piece of crepe paper on it. Then, dip the bottom part of cookies mold in the bleach. Next, stamp the mold on the crepe paper and let it dr. After that, you can use the paper to wrap the present. For decoration, you can use tissue paper if you want. Finally, tie the present/the package with a piece of string or ribbon.

29.    The goal of the text is to show ….
A.       How to make s doll
B.       What boxless candies or chocolate is
C.       How to make the gift-wap paper
D.      How to wrap a doll or some boxless candies
E.       Why to wrap is difficult

30.    The text above is written in the form of a/an ….
A.       Explanation
B.       Procedure
C.       Description
D.      Report
E.       Recount

31.    Before using the paper to wrap the present, you have to….
A.       Wait until the bleach is dry
B.       Spread some crepr papers
C.       Dip the bottom
D.      Put a piece of crepe paper
E.       Stamp the crepe paper

Artist      : Leslie Feist
Album    : Let it Die

                 In the age of excess, it takes more than just courge to embrace simplicity and  astripped down approach to music. For a Canadian indie pop singer, Lislie Feist, a minimalist approach are warmth and excelent. With a touch of jazz and trip-hop around the edges, her musical really kicks off.
                Armed only with an acoustic guitar, drum loops, thin-sounding keyboards and jazz-tinged vocals, Feist triumphantly assembled a record of 13 flawlessly sunny pop songs beaming with beuty.
                Over thin layer of ethereal soundscape, Feist croons fluid vocals that feel like drops of morning dew allling from a pine tree, as in Now At Last and Lover’s Spit. In fact, Feist’s vocals alone could send listeners swooning.
                Feist’s craft here hides a more wild past. She was a member f a punk outfit in Calgary called Placebo that once opened for the Ramones. The only elements of punk that still remain at her are spontaneity and naturalness.

                                                                                                                                                --M taufiqurrahman --
                                                                                                                                                                                                (taken from : “The Jakarta Post“, 2005)

32.    The text above is in the form of a/an ….
A.       Explanation
B.       Recount
C.       Hortatory
D.      Review
E.       Argument

33.    The reviewer comments that ‘let It Die’ by Feist is ….
A.       Awful
B.       Great
C.       Uninteresting
D.      Natural
E.       Boring

34.    Which statement is correct according to the text?
A.       It it easy to embrace a simple idea and stripped down approach to music
B.       In her new album, Lieslie Feist only plays an acoustic guitar
C.       It is a sophisticated album armed with an acoustic guitar, drum loops and a thin-sounding keyboard
D.      ‘Let It Die’ is an album with 13 pop songs sung by a Canadian indie pop singer, Lislie Feist
E.       Lover’s Spit was a punk band in Calgary that once opened for the Ramones

The Digestive System
                Human body is made u of countless million of cells. Food is needed to build up new cells and replace the worn out cells. However, the food that we take must be changed into substances that can be carried in the blood to the places where they re needed. This process is called digestion.
                The first digestive takes place in the mouth. The food we eat is broken up into small pieces by the action of teeth, mixed with saliva, a juice secreted by glands in the mouth. Salive contains digestive juices which moisten the food, so it can be swallowed easily.
                From the mouth, food passes through the esophagus (the food passage) into the stomach. Here, the food is mixed with te juices secreted by the cells in the stomach for several hours. Then the food enters the small intestine. All the time the muscular walls of the intestine are squeezing, mixing and moving the food onwards.
In a few hours, the food change into acids. These are soon absorbed by the villi (microscopic branch projections from the intestine walls) and passed into the bloodstream.

35.    What is “digestion” mean?
A.       The process of building up new cells
B.       The process of taking food into our mouth
C.       The process of replacing worn out cells
D.      The process of providing energy for each cell
E.       The process of changing food into substance that can be carried in the blood

36.    What is the first disgestive juices?
A.       Enzym
B.       Glands
C.       Intestine
D.      Saliva
E.       Esophagus

37.    “The digestive system begins as soon as we put the food into the mouth”
This information can be found in paragraph ….
A.       One
B.       Two
C.       Three
D.      Four
E.       Five

38.    The text is called a/an ….
A.       Descriptive
B.       Explanation
C.       Hortatory
D.      Procedure
E.       Report

39.    The first paragraph of the text is called the ….
A.       Issue
B.       Thesis statement
C.       General statement
D.      Re-orientation
E.       Sequence explanation

40.    “These are soon absorbed by the villi …”
The underlined word refers to ….
A.       Foodstuffs
B.       Villi
C.       Acids
D.      Juices
E.       cells

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