Senin, 28 Mei 2012



1.            What are some things you usually do every morning?
What are some things you did yesterday (OR: this) morning?
2.            What do you usually do in the evening?
What did you do last night?
3.            What do we usually do in this class?
What did we do in the class yesterday?
4.            What do you usually do after this class?
What did you do after class yesterday?
5.            What did you do two days ago? Last week? Last month? Last year?
6.            Take out a piece of paper. Write what you did (your activities) yesterday.
Write as fast as you can.


(a)          Mary walked downtown yesterday.
(b)         I slept for eight hours last night.
The simple past is used to talk activities or situation that began and ended in the past (e.g. yesterday, last night, two days, in 1990).
(c)          Bob stayed home yesterday morning.
(d)         Our plane arrived on time.
Most simple past verbs are formed by adding –ed to a verb, as in (a), (c), and (d).
(e)          I ate breakfast this morning.
(f)          Sue took a taxi to the airport.
Some verbs irregular past forms, as in (b), (e), and (f). See chart 2-4.

2-2              FORMS OF THE SIMPLE PAST


* NOTE: Did is NOT used with was and were.
NEGATIVE:  {I – She – He – It} was not (wasn’t) busy
{We – You – They} were not (weren’t) busy
QUESTION:   Was {I – she – he – it} right?
 Were (we – you – they} right?

EXERCISE 2. All of the following sentences have inaccurate information. Correct them by:
(a)    writing a negative sentence; and
(b)   writing an affirmative statement with accurate information.

  1. Thomas Edison invented the telephone.
(a)    _______Thomas Edison didn’t invent the telephone._______­­­­­­­­____
(b)   _______Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.____­­­­­­­­____

  1. Rocks float.
(a)    ____Rocks don’t float_____________________________­­­­­­­­_______
(b)   _______They sink________________________________­­­­­­­­_______

  1. Wood sinks.
(a)    ______________________________________________________
(b)   ______________________________________________________

  1. You took a taxi to school today.
(a)    ______________________________________________________
(b)   ______________________________________________________

  1. You’re sitting on a soft, comfortable sofa.
(a)    ______________________________________________________
(b)   ______________________________________________________

  1. You stayed home all day yesterday.
(a)    ______________________________________________________
(b)   ______________________________________________________

  1. Spiders have six legs.
(a)    ______________________________________________________
(b)   ______________________________________________________

  1. The population of the world is getting smaller.
(a)    ______________________________________________________
(b)   ______________________________________________________

  1. Our teacher wrote Romeo and Juliet.
(a)    ______________________________________________________
(b)   ______________________________________________________

EXERCISE 3 – ORAL (BOOKS CLOSED): Correct the inaccurate statements by using negative then affirmative sentences. Some verbs are past and some are present.

Example: You drank two cups of tea this morning.
Response: No, that’s not true, I didn’t drink two cups of tea this morning.
I had coffee with my breakfast.

Example : (. . .) took a subway to school today. Right?
Response: That’s not possible! I know that (. . .) didn’t take a subway to school because there aren’t any subway in (this city).

  1. You got up at 4:30 this morning.
  2. (. . .) is standing in the corner of the classroom.
  3. (. . .) stands in a corner of the classroom during class each day.
  4. (. . .) stood in a corner during class yesterday.
  5. This book has 354 pages.
  6. Shakespeare wrote novels.
  7. A river flows from the bottom of a valley to the top of a mountain.
  8. We cook food in a refrigerator.
  9. (. . .) taught this class yesterday.
  10. Butterflies have ten legs.
  11. This morning, you drove to school in a (name of a kind of car).
  12. (. . .) takes a helicopter to get to school every day.
  13. You speak (French and Arabic).
  14. This room has (supply an incorrect number) windows.
  15. (. . .) and you studied together at the library last night.
  16. (. . .) went to (an impossible place) yesterday.


finish                            finished                      finished                            finishing
stop                              stopped                       stopped                             stopping
hope                             hoped                          hoped                               hoping
wait                              waited                         waited                              waiting
play                              played                         played                              playing
try                                tried                             tried                                 trying
see                                saw                             seen                                  seeing
make                            made                           made                                making
sing                              sang                            sang                                  singing
eat                                ate                               eaten                                eating
put                               put                                put                                   putting
go                                went                              gone                                going
(1) the simple form
English verbs have four principle forms or “parts”.
The simple form is the form that is found in a dictionary. It is the base form with no endings on it (no final –s, -ed, or –ing).
(2) the simple past
The simple past form ends –ed for regular verbs. Most verbs are regular, but many common verbs have irregular past forms. See the reference of irregular verbs that follows in Chart 2-4
(3) the past participle
The past participle also ends in –ed for regular verbs. Some verbs are irregular. It is in perfect tenses (Chapter 7) and the passive (Chapter 12).
(4) the present participle
The present participle ends in –ing (for both regular and irregular verbs). It is used in progressive tenses (e.g., the present progressive and the past progressive).


SIMPLE              SIMPLE           PAST
FORM                 PAST               PARTICIPLE
SIMPLE           SIMPLE                PAST
FORM              PAST                    PARTICIPLE
be                         was, were           been                  be                         lay                        lain
become                became               become             light                      lit (lighted)           lit (lighted)
begin                    began                  begun               lose                       lost                       lost
bend                     bent                    bent                  make                     made                    made
bite                       bit                       bitten                mean                     meant                   meant
blow                     blew                   blown               meet                     met                       met
break                    broke                  broken              pay                       paid                      paid
bring                    brought               brought             put                        put                        put
broadcast             broadcast            broadcast          quit                       quit                       quit
build                    built                    built                  read                      read                      read
buy                       bought                bought              ride                       rode                      ridden
catch                    caught                caught              ring                       rang                      rung
choose                  chose                  chosen              rise                        rose                      risen
come                    came                   come                 run                        ran                        run
cost                      cost                     cost                   say                        said                      said
cut                        cut                      cut                    see                        saw                       seen
dig                       dug                     dug                   sell                        sold                      sold
do                        did                      done                 send                      sent                      sent
draw                    drew                   drawn               set                         set                        set
drink                    drank                  drunk                shake                    shook                   shaken
drive                    drove                  driven               shoot                    shot                      shot
eat                        ate                      eaten                 shut                      shut                      shut
fall                       fell                      fallen                sing                       sang                      sung
feed                     fed                      fed                    sit                         sat                        sat

feel                       felt                      felt                    sleep                     slept                     slept
fight                     fought                fought              slide                      slid                       slid
find                      found                 found               speak                    spoke                    spoken
fit                         fit                       fit                     spend                    spent                    spent
fly                        flew                    flown                spread                   spread                  spread
forget                   forgot                 forgotten          stand                    stood                    stood
forgive                 forgave               forgiven            steal                      stole                     stolen
freeze                   froze                   frozen               stick                      stuck                    stuck
get                        got                      gotten (got)      strike                    struck                   struck
give                      gave                    given                swear                    swore                   sworn
go                         got                      gone                 sweep                   swept                   swept
grow                    grew                   grown               swim                     swam                    swum
hang                     hung                   hung                 take                      took                      taken
have                     had                     had                   teach                     taught                   taught
hear                      heard                  heard                tear                       tore                       torn
hide                      hid                      hidden              tell                        told                      told
hit                        hit                       hit                     think                     thought                thought
hold                     held                    held                  throw                    threw                    thrown
hurt                      hurt                     hurt                   understand           understood           understood
keep                     kept                    kept                  upset                     upset                    upset    
know                    knew                  known              wake                     woke                    waked (woken)
lay                        laid                     laid                   wear                     wore                     worn
lead                      led                      led                    win                       won                      won
leave                    left                      left                    withdraw              withdrew             withdrawn
lend                      lent                     lent                   write                     wrote                    written
let                         let                       let                                                 

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