Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

RPP Bahasa Inggris Kelas X semester 2 (8.1)

1.      Satuan Pendidikan                      : SMA ISLAM PB. SOEDIRMAN BEKASI  I
2.       Mata Pelajaran                           : BAHASA INGGRIS
3.      Kelas/Prog./ Smt                          : X / UMUM / II
4.      Standar Kompetensi
Mendengarkan, memahami makna  dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog yang berbentuk  narrative, descriptive, dan news item  sederhana dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

5.      Kompetensi Dasar
Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana (misalnya pengumuman, iklan, undangan dll.) resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
Indikator :
Indikator 1Mengidentifikasi topik sebuah pengumuman lisan
Indikator 2 :  Mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari undangan lisan
Indikator 3 :  Mengidentifikasi tujuan dari pengumuman yang didengar.

6.      Alokasi Waktu                 : 2 Jam Pelajaran x 40 menit (2 x Pertemuan)
7.      Materi Pembelajaran
  Pertemuan 1 :
a.    Teks fungsional pendek announcement
b.    Kosakata yang terkait dengan tema / jenis teks, misal : wanted, litter, healthy
c.    Verbs: come, do, go,etc.
d.   Auxiliary verbs: is, am , are, could, would, will, may
e.    To do: do, does, did
f.     Personal pronoun : I, You, They, He, She, It, We
g.    Tenses: simple present tense, imperative,

Are you interested in discussing current issues? Join our school debating team.
- Excellent in English.
- Fond of reading.
- Holding TOEFL score: at least 500
- Having self confidence.
Registration: Monday, January 6, 2011 at 3.00 PM.
Venue: AV Room.

We have 20 free tickets for the national Championship tennis match next Friday evening. If you are interested in these tickets, please contact Mr. Green in the accounting office before 5.00 Pm on Wednesday. We can allow up to 4 tickets per employee.
Come and say goodbye
Please join Murray Jones in celebration his retirement after 40 years with the GY Camera Company.
Place: Castle Restaurant
Date: March 11
Time: 6.00 PM

Kindly RSVP
(lynn Mickleson, Office Manager, 555-7643)
By March 1
We hope to see you there
We are announcing today that we are bringing the Milestone and Ever Green Brand even closer together. Effective December 20, 2009, our official will be:
The substitution of “West” in our name replacing “California” is the result of an agreement we reached with California Gardening Association, following a protest over the original use of “California” in our name.
We hope this does not create any confusion among our loyal costumers. While this represent change from our initial name introduction, it does not change the quality of product we offer our customers.
Pertemuan  2 :
a.    Teks fungsional pendek banner
b.    Kosakata yang terkait dengan tema / jenis teks, misal : wanted, litter, healthy
c.    Verbs: come, do, go,etc.
d.   Auxiliary verbs: is, am , are, could, would, will, may
e.    To do: do, does, did
f.       Personal pronoun : I, You, They, He, She, It, We
g.    Tenses: simple present tense, imperative

Fun Bike  Club
Jln. Rinjani 21 Jak. Sel
3rd April
Dear Club Member,
      I’m writing to invite all members of Funbike Club to take part in the independence day road show, on Merdeka Street on 20th April from 7.00 – 10.00 am. We are organizing road show events for all ages. We are offering medals and prizes for winners and door prizes for participants.
This is your chance to show where you stand in the district rankings. Come and find out!

Club Secretary

Attention, shoppers.
The market will be closing in ten minutes.
Please proceed to the check-out counters


Don’t step the grass


1.      Where would thie announcement most likekly be seen ?(picture 1)
2.      The notice below is put on the wall. What does it mean? (picture 2)
3.      What does the notice mean? (picture 3)
4.      Where do you usually see the notice? (picture 3)
5.      Who is wanted? (picture 4)
6.      Why is the person wanted? (picture 4)
7.      Where does he come from? (picture 4)
8.      Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan 1 : Siswa dapat Mengidentifikasi topik sebuah pengumuman lisan

Pertemuan 2 :  Mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari undangan lisan
     Mengidentifikasi tujuan dari pengumuman yang didengar.

9.      Metode  Pembelajaran
Pertemuan  1       : Listening, tanya jawab dan latihan
Pertemuan  2       : Listening, tanya jawab dan latihan

10.  Kegiatan Pembelajaran 
1.      Pendahuluan
1.      Siswa menyimak tujuan pembelajaran,pentingnya pembelajaran, dan persiapan siswa untuk belajar
2.      Siswa terbagi dalam beberapa kelompok. Siswa yang dapat menentukan jenis teks fungsional pendek  yang dibacakan guru dengan benar mendapatkan nilai
3.      Siswa menambahkan contoh bentuk yang lain

2.      Kegiatan Inti
1.      Siswa mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif
2.      Siswa mendengarkan teks fungsioanl pendek terkait tema/topik tertentu
3.      Siswa mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kebahasaan teks fungsional pendek 
4.      Siswa mengidentifikasikan isi teks fungsional
5.      Siswa mendiskusikan isi teks fungsional
6.      Siswa mendiskusikan bentuk teks fungsional secara berkelompok
7.      Guru mengambil penilaian
3.      Penutup
1.      Siswa menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran dengan bimbingan guru
2.      Guru memberikan tugas rumah kepada siswa (tindak lanjut)

1.      Pendahuluan
1.      Siswa menjawab salam dari guru
2.      Siswa menyimak tujuan pembelajaran,pentingnya pembelajaran, dan persiapan siswa untuk belajar
3.      Siswa terbagi dalam beberapa kelompok. Siswa yang dapat menentukan jenis teks fungsional pendek  yang dibacakan guru dengan benar mendapatkan nilai
4.      Siswa menambahkan contoh bentuk-bentuk teks yang lain
2.      Kegiatan Inti
1.      Siswa mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif
2.      Siswa mendengarkan teks fungsioanl pendek terkait tema/topik tertentu
3.      Siswa mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kebahasaan teks fungsional pendek 
4.      Siswa mengidentifikasikan isi teks fungsional
5.      Siswa mendiskusikan isi teks fungsional
6.      Siswa mendiskusikan bentuk teks fungsional secara berkelompok
7.      Guru mengambil penilaian
3.      Penutup
  1. Siswa menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran dengan bimbingan guru
  2. Guru memberikan tugas rumah kepada siswa (tindak lanjut)

11.  Penilaian

a.      Indikator, Teknik  dan Bentuk

Pertemuan 1
Mengidentifikasi topik sebuah teks fungsional pendek
Mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari teks fungsional
Pertemuan 2
 Mengidentifikasi  tujuan teks fungsional  

·   Mengidentifikasi teks pengumuman dan banner

·      listening

b.      Instrumen penilaian

Sea island Resort
Spend your next vacation with us
Enjoy  our:
·         Private beach
·         Two swimming pools
·         Four tennis courts
·         Five restaurants
·         Beautiful weather all year
It’s easy to get there
We’re just eight kilometers from the airport
Call your travel agent to make reservations

1.      The text above is properly in the form of ________
2.      The text is properly located in _______
3.      "Call your travel agent to make reservation" The underlined word means________
4.      Which statement is TRUE about the announcement of the English Speaking Club? __________

c.       Score penilaian
·   Jika topik benar,informasi benar dan tujan teks benar                       score 100
·   Jika topik benar, informasi benar tetapi tujuan teks salah                  score 90
·   Jika topik  benar tetapi informasi dan tujuan teks salah                     score 80
·   Jika topik salah tetapi informasi dan tujuan teks benar                      score 70
·   Jika topik, informasi dan tujuan salah                                                 Score 60

12.  Sumber & bahan  ajar
1.      Modul bahasa Inggris, Banner,
2.      Script monolog berbentuk banner, poster atau pamphlet
3.      Gambar/poster /pamplet yang relevan
4.      Buku pegangan guru X Platinum

13.  Evaluasi
·         Post test
·         Quiz

Mengetahui,                                                                                Bekasi, 25 Januari 2012
Kepala Sekolah                                                                           Guru Mata Pelajaran

Ir. H. Kusnaedi, MM                                                                   Andrian S.Pd
      NRP.                                                                                            NRP. 040817

We are going to recruit outstanding students in English to get involve in peer coaching. The program is intended to help the students who have difficulties in English:
-          Excellent in both oral and written communication in English
-          Willing to help others in communicating in English
-          Holding TOEFL score: at least 500
Those who are interested, please come for the registration that will be held on Monday January 7 2009 at 3.30 PM
Venue: AV Room

Many customers have received emails claiming to be from Buana Bank. These emails were not genuine. These emails ask you to reply your:
            Account number
            Credit card number
            Date of birth
Buana Bank does not send emails asking for these information.
If you ever receive an email asking for these information, please do not reply.
Send the email immediately to online@bank.co.uk. 
If you have given anyone your details, call our telephone 08852000117
Be warned criminals are trying to access your accounts

1.      What is the announcement about?
a.       It’s caution for the costumers
b.      It’s about the new Bank product
c.       It’s offer from Buana Bank
d.      It’s a claim about Buana Bank
e.       It’s request from Buana Bank

2.      Where you should address the emails asking for your account number?
a.       Buana Bank
b.      Criminal court
c.       08852000117
d.      Costumer service
e.       online@bank.co.uk. 

3.      Be warned criminals are trying to access your accounts (the last sentence)
The above sentence has the same meaning as…
a.       Attention! The criminals have place in our Bank
b.      Be careful! Don’t let the criminals know your account number
c.       Don’t forget! Open your new Bank account at our Bank now
d.      Remember! Our Bank is safe. Criminal can’t get into your account.
e.       No worries! Criminals cannot get into your account without your approval.

On 28th August, there will be a school trip to Golden Sand Beach.
Departure        :  07.30.am
Program           :  Swimming, games, Volley Ball,   and lunch at the sea. View restaurant.
                           Afternoon: Walk along the beach to the lagoon and watch the boat festival
Fee                  :  Rp 50.000
Contact persaons: Vita, Zaskia
                                    Chair person

                                    Anne saragih

4.      What is the announcement about?
a.       A boat festival
b.      A sea view restaurant
c.       The Golden Sand Beach
d.      a schedule of a school trip
e.       a lagoon at the Golden Sand Beach

5.      These announcement is mostly address to…of a school
a.       Visitors
b.      Tourists
c.       Students
d.      Travelers
e.       Sightseers

This new and unusual building in the down-town business district offers for small and midsized tenants to occupy an entire floor.
From 1.600 to 6.000 square feet are available for immediate occupancy.
Commuting is easy, with the nearest subway stop only one block away. Convenient to shops, restaurants, hotels, and business services.
            For leasing information call
6.      What is the advertisement about?
a.       Leasing office space
b.      Availability to get unique opportunities
c.       Buildings in business districts
d.      Hotels and restaurants in the down-town
e.       Conveniences offered by company

7.      Which of the following is NOT close to the building?
a.       Parks
b.      Shopping centers
c.       Hotels
d.      Business services
e.       Restaurants

8.      “For leasing information call 303-572-5947.”
The underlined word means
a.       Purchasing
b.      Buying
c.       Building         
d.      Renting
e.       Selling

We PT. SOFIANA Tbk, would like to inform you that effective from September 6th, 2007, our Head Office will be moved to a new address:
Puri Bahagia Tower, Second Floor
Harapan Bahagia street 1
Bekasi 17610
Telephone: 021-2692003 (hunting)
Facsimile: 021-6041972
From the effective date, any letter, notification or correspondence should be directed to the above mentioned address.
Board of Directors 
9.      When will the head office move to a new address?
a.       09-06-2007
b.      10-06-2007
c.       09-07-2007
d.      06-09-2007
e.       06-10-2007

10.  Based on the advertisement, who is responsible for the announcement?
a.       Employees
b.      Managers
c.       Reporters
d.      Readers
e.       Directors

11.  What is the content of the announcement?
a.       The company informs the readers about the bids.
b.      The company informs the readers about the auction.
c.       The company invites their employees to join with special programs.
d.      The company invites the stakeholders to come to the meeting at the new address.
e.       The company informs the readers that their head office will be move to a new address.

A growing PMA Coal Mining Company is looking for a “SECRETARY” with the following qualifications:
- Female/Male, age between 22-23 years
- At least 3 years working experiences
- Fluently in both written and spoken English, preferably with a University Degree in English
If you meet the above qualifications please send your application letter to:
PO.BOX No. 4587 JKTM JAKARTA 12025
Not later than 2 (Two) weeks after this advertisement.
All application letters will be treated confidentially.
12.  Who has chance to get a job?
a.       A twenty one year old female, graduate from English major
b.      Just a 3 years working experienced male
c.       A skillful male/female aged between 22-23
d.      A fresh graduated from economic major aged between 22-23
e.       A 22 or 23 year old male/female graduate from favorable university

13.  All application letters will be treated confidentially.
      The word ‘confidentially’ means ….
a.       closely
b.      carefully
c.       peacefully
d.      secretly
e.       respectfully

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