Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

RPP Bahasa Inggris kelas X Semester 2 (7.1)

1. Satuan Pendidikan                        : SMA ISLAM PB. SOEDIRMAN BEKASI
2. Mata Pelajaran                              : BAHASA INGGRIS
3. Kelas/Prog./Smt                             : X / UMUM / II
4.  Standar Kompetensi
Mendengarkan, memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.  
5.  Kompetensi Dasar
Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan tidak resmi secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari; berterima kasih, memuji dan mengucapkan selamat.     
    • Indikator 1 : Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur berterima kasih
    • Indikator 2 : Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur memuji
    • Indikator 3 : Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur mengucapkan selamat

6.  Alokasi Waktu :  2 jam pelajaran x 40 menit ( 3 x pertemuan)
7.  Materi Pembelajaran
Pertemuan 1:
1.      Berterima kasih (thanking)                                  Response:
·         Thank you very much                                        - You’re welcome
·         Thank you for your help                                    -  Don’t mention it
·         I’m really very grateful to you                           -  It’s a pleasure
Hamdan: “I have just come from Bali this morning.”
Ardan   :  “That’s really nice, how long have you been there?’
Hamdan: “ Not so long just three days, I and my parents had a nice holiday there.”
Ardan   : “By the way, where did you go last holiday?”
Hamdan: “I didn’t go anywhere; you’re so lucky because you could go to Bali with your parents.”
Ardan   : “Oh, I am sorry, I make you sad, but don’t worry, I have something for you, and here it is.”
Hamdan: “Wow, It must be expensive pen.”
Ardan   : “Not really, I think you should have it, I have one, so we have the same pen, I bought it in Denpasar.”
Hamdan: “You are very nice to me, Thank you very much. I will use it.”
Ardan   : “Don’t mention it; I am happy if you like it.”
Pertemuan 2:
2.      Memuji (complementing)                                      Response:
·         I (really) like your…                                          - Thanks
·         That’s a nice jacket!                                           - Thank you
·         You’re great!                                                      - Thanks for saying that
·         I think you’re very talented!                              - Really!
·         You’re wonderful on...
·         Nice work!
·         You are great!
Elizabeth     : Good morning, sir. I am sorry, perhaps I’m late. I’ve caught the traffic jam.
Interviewer : Good morning, that’s all right. I’ll start asking you why do you want to work with us at Camp Elizabeth?  
Elizabeth     : I love working with children and I’d like to get some experience.
Interviewer : What experience do you have?
Elizabeth    : I help with youth club at school. I’ve organized sports.
Interviewer : I see. It’s shown in your resume. You’re great!
Elizabeth    : Oh, thank you. I think my qualification is still limited. But I’ll try to do best if I join at camp.
Interviewer : Well, I am going to recommend you to an art program at the camp. Congratulations.
Elizabeth     : I can’t believe this. Thanks, Sir! You just made my day.
Pertemuan 3:
3.      Mengucapkan selamat (congratulating)              Response:
·         Congratulations!                                                            - Thanks
·         Congratulations on your success!                      - Thank you
·         Happy birth day!                                                - Thank for saying that
·         Happy Lebaran Day/Happy Ied!                       - The same to you
·         Merry Christmas!
·         Happy New Year!
·         Happy Valentine!  
Rony: “Hi, Irfan, how are you?”
Irfan:  “I’m fine, thanks. How’s your final exam?”
Rony: “It’s great! I got the best score in every lesson at school”
Irfan: Wow, Nice work! Congratulations on your success!
Rony: “Thank you very much”
Irfan:  “You’re welcome. You deserved to get that because you are the diligent boy.”
Now, do the exercise by completing the dialogue using the prompts given
     Rico: Hi, Congratulation! I heard you were the best of the Tale readers Competition which was ……..in our school last month.
     Rina: Yeah. I …………….the competition. It was an unforgettable  moment for me.
     Rico: Really? I am so happy to hear that. How long did you ………for the competition?
     Rina: One week. That was a short time to prepare the competition.
     Rico: What story did you read?
     Rina: I ……………The Flying Carpet as my story.
     Rico: That’s good! It was great to hear you……….the competition
     Rina: I am glad you think so.
8.      Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan 1: Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur berterima kasih
Pertemuan 2: Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur memuji
Pertemuan 3: Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur mengucapkan selamat

9.      Metode Pembelajaran
Pertemuan 1: Tanya jawab, dan dialog
Pertemuan 2: Tanya jawab dan dialog.
Pertemuan 3: Tanya jawab dan dialog.

10.  Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan 1:
§  Guru memberi motivasi kepada siswa betapa pentingnya bahasa inggris pada saat ini dan meminta siswa dapat mengikuti pelajaran dengan tekun.
§  Guru mengabsen siswa untuk lebih mengenal siswa lebih jauh.
§  Guru menjelas tindak tutur dalam wacana transasional / interpersonal berterima kasih.
§  Guru menyampaikan SK, SD dan indikator yang ingin dicapai pada pertemuan kali ini
Kegiatan Inti
§  Guru membagi peserta didik menjadi beberapa kelompok
§  Peserta didik mendengarkan sebuah dialog dari radio tape yang berisi tindak tutur berterima kasih
§  Menjelaskan kata-kata yang dipakai pada tindak tutur berterimka kasih “thank you very much”.
§  Peserta didik memberi tanggapan percakapan dialog tape yang didengar sambil diarahkan guru.
Kegiatan Akhir
§  Siswa menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran dengan bimbingan guru
§  Guru memberikan tugas rumah kepada siswa (tindak lanjut)

Pertemuan 2:
·         Guru mengabsen Peserta didik untuk lebih mengenal Peserta didik lebih jauh.
·         Guru menjelas tindak tutur dalam wacana transasional / interpersonal  memuji.
·         Guru menyampaikan SK, SD dan indikator yang ingin dicapai pada pertemuan kali ini

Kegiatan Inti
§  Guru membagi peserta didik menjadi beberapa kelompok
§  Peserta didik mendengarkan sebuah dialog dari radio tape yang berisi tindak tutur memuji.
§  Menjelaskan kata-kata yang dipakai pada tindak tutur memuji “ you look slimmer”.
§  Peserta didik memberi tanggapan percakapan dialog tape yang didengar sambil diarahkan guru.
Kegiatan Akhir
§  Siswa menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran dengan bimbingan guru
§  Guru memberikan tugas rumah kepada siswa (tindak lanjut)

Pertemuan 3:
·         Guru mengabsen Peserta didik untuk lebih mengenal Peserta didik lebih jauh.
·         Guru menjelas tindak tutur dalam wacana transasional / interpersonal mengucapkan selamat.
·         Guru menyampaikan SK, SD dan indikator yang ingin dicapai pada pertemuan kali ini
Kegiatan Inti
§  Guru membagi peserta didik menjadi beberapa kelompok
§  Peserta didik mendengarkan sebuah dialog dari radio tape yang berisi tindak tutur mengucapkan selamat..
§  Menjelaskan kata-kata yang dipakai pada tindak tutur mengucapkan selamat.
§  Peserta didik memberi tanggapan percakapan dialog tape yang didengar sambil diarahkan guru.
Kegiatan Akhir
§  Siswa menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran dengan bimbingan guru
§  Guru memberikan tugas rumah kepada siswa (tindak lanjut)

11.  Penilaian
a.    Indikator, teknik  dan score penilaian
Pertemuan 1
Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur  berterima-kasih
Pertemuan 2
Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur  memuji
Pertemuan 1
Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur mengucapkan selamat

·   Mengidentifikasi bentuk dan jenis tindak tutur kata yang di dengar

·   listening
b.   Score penilaian
·         Jika mengidenifkasi benar, repon benar, mengungkapkan benar                      score 100
·         Jika mengidentifikasi benar, respon benar tetapi mengungkapkan salah          score 90
·         Jika mengidentifikasi benar tetapi respon dan mengungkapkan salah              score 80
·         Jika mengidentifikasi salah tetapi merespon dan mengungkapkan benar         score 70
·         Jika mengidentifikasi, merespon dan mengungkapkan salah                            score 60

12.  Sumber, Alat, Bahan, Media
1.      Modul bahasa Inggris by: Andrian
2.      Kaset dan buku pegangan guru Kelas X Platinum hal 195
3.      Link to the world kelas X, Yudistira, F.A Suprapto dkk, Hal 20
13.  Evaluasi
·           Post test
·           Ulangan harian 1

     Mengetahui,                                                                           Bekasi,  25 Januari 2012
                  Kepala Sekolah                                                                     Guru Mata Pelajaran

                  Ir. H. Kusnaedi, M.M.                                                        Andrian, S.Pd
                  NRP.                                                                                     NRP. 040817
Exercise: Read the dialogue carefully, and then answer the questions below
Elizabeth     : Good morning, sir. I am sorry, perhaps I’m late. I’ve caught the traffic jam.
Interviewer : Good morning, that’s all right. I’ll start asking you why do you want to work with us at Camp Elizabeth?  
Elizabeth     : I love working with children and I’d like to get some experience.
Interviewer : What experience do you have?
Elizabeth    : I help with youth club at school. I’ve organized sports.
Interviewer : I see. It’s shown in your resume. You’re great!
Elizabeth    : Oh, thank you. I think my qualification is still limited. But I’ll try to do best if I join at camp.
Interviewer : Well, I am going to recommend you to an art program at the camp. Congratulations.
Elizabeth     : I can’t believe this. Thanks, Sir! You just made my day.
1.      What is the job proposed to Elizabeth?
2.      What experience does Elizabeth have?
3.      How will Elizabeth be recommended by interviewer?
4.      What was the first interviewer’s questions?
5.      Did Elizabeth get the job?
6.      How will Elizabeth do, if she gets the job?
7.      Why did Elizabeth feel sorry?
8.       What does Elizabeth like related with the job?
9.      Find the Expression of compliment in the dialogue?
10.  Find the Expression of gratitude in the dialogue?
Nita     : The school will send our sport team and art club to join Porseni.
Sofia    : Are you serious?
Nita     : I am. Mrs. Nora told me just now. We’ll be leaving in August.
Sofia    : That’s surprise. We only have two months to go.
Nita     : Good heavens! We still have many things to do.
Sofia    : Have the boys heard about it?
Nita     : I’m afraid not. The headmaster will have the meeting to discus about it after the class.
Sofia    : I’m worried Tom cannot go.
Nita     : Why can’t he? Look! That’s Tom. Tom! Come over here.
Tom     : What’s up, Girl?
Nita     : We’ll compete in the Porseni next August. In Palembang, Bro. Can you image?
Tom    : You’re kidding. We ….I can’t believe it. But, next August. Oh no, Uncle Mark will visit us after his short business trip from Singapore.
Sofia   : Really? How long will he stay?
Tom    : May be a month or so. Aunt Lucy and the twin will fly straight from New York.
Sofia   : Well, what a coincidence! Your parents will travel a lot I’m sure.
Tom    : Indeed. We’ve planned to go to Lombok and some eastern parts of Indonesia. God, I wish I have a choice.
Sofia   : I think you can wait till Mrs. Nora tells the schedule. You can discuss it with your aunt later.
Tom    : That’s a good idea!
Nita    : The bell is ringing. See you after the class, okay!
Discuss the questions.
1.      What do the students talk about?
2.      When will the event be? Where the event be held?
3.      How does Sofia say her surprise hearing they’re appointed?
4.      What’s the matter with Tom?
5.      What will probably Tom’s family do family during the Porseni?
6.      How do they settle Tom’s problem?

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